Virgin space …
… to clear up !
This space is proposed to allow you to share
your experiences in this so singular Yoga ; the possible ways
of expression are infinite and originate themselves in the just
as easely creative nature of our beings, at whatever level or
step of contact we live or have lived them, they have this particular
taste and flavour which do not generally match with any other
Work. They can be short, massive, grave indeed tinged with humor,
and they are animated of a Sincerity and a Life hardly unimaginable
or imitable by the Mental and the Lie. To get back on the purpose
of this website, it is here the given opportunity to establish
those bridges of links on the sheet of this small earth still
so forlorn from the Regard. The troubles, the vulgarity and
the coarseness which lead and fill our daily life show us in
most cases and choices that we take the wrong way to Live truly
this world. There is an active Conscience which dives into our
opaqueness, which works as a factual speeding-up without us
knowing, Conscience (well far out of the Mental) that we do
not have yet recognized — or evidently so shyly —
and maybe that we prefer not to recognize for the numerous benefits
of ignorance that we can get from it, Conscience that bothers
us with incertitude and discomfort and even much more without
us being able to be conscious of it and weigh up the consequences
and effects. Sri Aurobindo and others have found and opened
the Path which can lead to a re-establishment of all those opposites
apparently so contradictory today in the vision we have from
them and in the regard we concentrate on our very presence in
this world.
For those who had or have now this opportunity to testify, there
is this space of possible passage, contact, recognition and
creation, proposed here.
Translated by Annick PETITDEMANGE
With the participation of the author