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DHANUSHMAT, lettres à une Auroville / plate-forme d'échange et d'écriture / en quête d'une Auroville intérieure / dans l'esprit du Yoga Intégral de Sri AUROBINDO. Accueil "DHANUSHMAT, lettres à une Auroville" Autres parutions Nous contacter Vos textes Bibliographie auroville, sri aurobindo, yoga, pondicherry, Pondicherry, Inde, India, Mère, Mother, integral yoga, conscience, consciousness, dhanushmat, Dhanushmat, DHANUSHMAT, archer, samadhi, spirtualité, spirituality
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In clear !
We personally shall stay humble and shall not at all pretend holding this supramental Truth so patiently elaborated in silence by Sri Aurobindo, dear me, we are conscious of it, we are still well far from it ; but we have longed for, we may have touched it, tasted it, the space of some of those given fragments during those fortunate times in India, this “spherical vision” where everything takes its right place in this Subtle, there , right at its side, this underlying active and sparkling vibrant of Life which animates the cruder life of our daily actions. Back in the occidental atmosphere, it is difficult for us indeed even quasi-impossible to continue effectively this Yoga in conscience from day to day with the same intensity.
However, the Work does not have any limits and every one of us, wherever he lives on this small ball of earth, wherever he is with his individual or collective path and destiny, can as far as possible of his capacities of creation, contribute or share his experience in this Adventure.
This website offers a place of exchange, of presentation of writings related with what Sri Aurobindo, Mother, Satprem and Sujata and all of those more anonymous who work for this Reality which waits for us, right near, have started and insufflated in the Substance-Matter.
The economic contexts, the contraints of the distance, the singularity of this so specific Work do not always allow us to be published and or reveal certain experiences which have this so singular Meaning and fragrance for those who have contacted or touched them lightly.
This website could be this possible.
For being completely sincer, we do not have at all thought about the technical or other aspects, which could appear in the actual state of this project. We leave the space open, having trust in those parts of freedom and creation which will certainly been given to us to take over our possible inabilities or difficulties. Internet has appeared to us as a relatively reliable tool in the actual state of our intention and certainly the most adapted as the holder of exhange and of immediacy.
Our exiles, although they are very certainly necessary in the development of the evolution of our beings, are not always so easy to live and to go through, we do not have however the intention to transform them into the quality and the panegyric able to generate some proselytism — good heavens, still one more ! A great deal of religions, among them obediences and systems of all kinds took care of it and it is not necessary to add more to it, and it is not the matter here at all of religion or system but of Life, all naked. We would prefer being able to live in community of fraternity and understanding a little more of this living miracle which vibrates differently than a vague dream of warmth, very simply and in true reality. If there is this desire “between” several of us, then it is this “in between us” to stand out and to act.
Such a website is able to transform itself with the requests and opportunities, we have elaborated it in a rather personal presentation for now (DHANUSHMAT being the instigator and the pretext), it is obvious that the purpose is linked to the “commune” (communité) and to allow then the individual experiences and creations to take shape of life in a larger and more adapted later complex if that should be. We know that all system is destinated to sclerose itself and to disappear if it is not animated by this Light which allows to go through the opacities of the “titanic existing”, this present not yet revealed to the Life, to the Conscience which permeates every physical substance. It is then primordial for each one of us to bring this sincerity in his act of life and to be therefore holder of the Meaning.

Translated by Annick PETITDEMANGE
With the participation of the author

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