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Questions formulated Wednesday the 5th of March 2003 by M. Samir Kanta Gupta, Reading-room, Samâdhi, Âshram of Sri Aurobindo, Pondicherry,
Questions which I have been asked to give a written answer for an eventual publication in one of the review of the Âshram.

When did you discover about the Âshram?
Have you known something first on Sri Aurobindo and then on the Mother and the Âshram?
What is the reason of your arrival in Auroville?
Do you find the Âshram more attractive and more at your taste?
From where do you look at the Âshram?

To the attention of the reader,

Through the rereading, we* (*1 see page 32) have to realize how those apparently innocent questions — and which could have also received an as so innocent answer — have maybe imposed, it is true, for being able to give an answer in a pretty short time, to give and add certain details and anecdotes which could seemed superficial and make this text longer that it should, maybe, be.
Yet, despite even and conscious of this state of fact, we have not be able to withdraw or to occult from them those same details and anecdotes for the benefit of perhaps more synthetic and concise writing which however would not have reached, it appears to us, the aim that we gave to ourselves by engaging ourselves, knowingly to tempt to connect and to give coherence to a personal experience of life in what it would like to express at the most profound of the reality.

Nota : the passages in light grey (50%) can be passed if necessary.

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