Saturday the 17th of November
01, Samâdhi AM
To Satprem and others
in exile
My brother, my friend,
you are in exile,
There is some of those exiles of a compelled life, of an imposed Dolour,
They are unavoidable ordeals of a God to incarnate
In the peregrine days of a still so much lonesome Earth ;
There are Truths
human beings cannot hear nor perceive,
The meanders-spirals of their ear have tangled from them the Sense,
And there is only remained to the nomad steps of Difference
The sour-tender Solitude-Sanctuary of the incarnated Certitude.
My brother, my friend,
you are in exile,
You are the Beloved of His Truth.
Satprem et autres en exil
Mon frère,
mon ami, tu es en exil,
Il est de ces exils d’une vie forcée, d’une douleur
Ce sont épreuves incontournables d’un Dieu à incarner
En les jours pérégrins d’une Terre si tant encore
esseulée ;
Il est de Vérités
que les hommes ne se peuvent entendre ni percevoir,
Les méandres-spirale de leur oreille en ont entortillé
le Sens,
Et il ne reste aux pas nomades de Différence
Que l’âpre-tendre Solitude-Asile de la Certitude incarnée.
Mon frère,
mon ami, tu es en exil,
Tu es l’Aimé de Sa Vérité.
Translated from French to English by Annick PETITDEMANGE
with the participation of the author
on the 17th of July 2003
Domaine du Bost, Massif-Central, France.