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(1) page 1: Sometimes in this writing, ‘we’ is used to design the different and complementary aspects of our being.

(2) page 5: Annick de Souzenelle, author of many books of which ‘Le Symbolisme du corps humain’ which takes its roots in the judeo-christian hebraïc tradition, tells in a other of her books ‘La Parole au Coeur du Corps’ (editions Albin Michel) her trajectory, and how after having failed going to India and met her uncle Pavitra (Philippe BARBIER de Saint HILAIRE, French disciple of SRI AUROBINDO) discovered suddenly her own path in the Christian orthodoxy.

(3) page 10: We see there the same fact than in Auroville where the Matrimandir is becoming a headquarter of tourism named ‘spiritual’, where the crowds (those ants with two legs, as was saying Sri Aurobindo), now that it is installed, flood for… what?
Would it be there the vocation of those places to receive those floods in name of the Bhakti which has really so little to be with this type of Yoga! It resembles strongly to the denaturation, the diversion.

(4) page 15: in French: ‘La Mère, l’histoire de Sa vie’ par Georges Van Vrekhem, éditions Latin Pen-Auroville.2002
Original writing : The Mother
The Story of Her Life.. (Ed. Ruprand and co, 2000)

(5) page 21: It is here about the very author.

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