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We frequented fairly often the Samâdhi reading-room, at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. It was proposed to us by the administrator of this place (maybe because of our regularity there) to write something on our perception or vision of Auroville and of the Ashram. Those writings had, if agreement was given, to be published in one of the Ashram magazine. It was then a pretext that we could not let go because it gave us the opportunity to touch and establish an unification and connection bridge with so many scattered and isolated aspects, indeed so disparate of a problem revealing an as much personal than collective split.
Finally, the french written version not being sufficient or letting perhaps the managers suspect some ambiguities on the meaning, we were asked to translate them into english, what we did without jibbing and very conscientiously for not being caught in some flagrant negligence later on that we could blame ourselves for, for finally… not receiving any more news. It was then during a stay in Pondicherry in July 2004 that we were told personnally because we did the necessary for it but without any more precise or other detailed explanations that the writings did not receive the agreement of the publishing managers, which in fact did not surprise us a little bit, the opposite would have then rather singularly made us wonder.
It seems interesting to present them here because they touch certain very sensitive points and maybe summarizes somehow this strange and delicate relational situation which subsists within this so fully complex and however unambiguous Yoga.

Translated by Annick PETITDEMANGE
With the participation of the author

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"Sans doute, une hiistoire de fraternité"
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