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experience lived in awakened consciousness of this morning of the 14th of August 93 and perceived as the confirmation of the link, of a “reliance’’ (connection) with this so specific yoga and place. This experience is still with me even if I only had one more time a subtle encounter (see text in grey 50%, same page 5) with this French disciple of Sri Aurobindo who leaved his body in the sixties. The way was drawn, the path was pointed to me, there was nothing to argue about, it was imperative to follow, whether I like it or not.
Auroville appeared then to us as a marvel (what it still is under certain unquestionable aspects), even though certain confusions and contradictions seemed so obvious, but being only a Boeotian, it could still nevertheless appeared as a place of virtue and of ‘belle pensée’* (*well thinking) and especially of a possible fraternity, finally!… something that had a body and a fragrance that were so intimately known in our fibres so willing to open themselves to a same sun and breathing.
For me, my path has been guided and nourished in its origin by the ‘Agenda’ and all the objectivity and subjectivity first “vehiculated’’ and passed on through its experiences.
This journey of several weeks had the consequence to immerse myself more deeply in the books of Satprem and the Mother, in particular her ‘Entretiens’ that I swallowed gluttonously without retention nor a shame of greed, not at all. When I went back to France in August of this same year, I took the opportunity to meet other spiritual traditions and more precisely ‘by coincidence’ the niece of Pavitra, Annick de Souzenelle (2. see Notes p 32) , spear-head of Christian Orthodoxy, who gave me the opportunity and privilege during a seminar in Belgium to speak about the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo; I did it with a lot of faith but maybe with not enough orthodoxy, nor synthesis, I am afraid. Whatever it was, and this for the anecdote, Pavitra passed me on during the previous night through a ‘relais subtil occidental’ a meaningful sentence that Annick de Souzenelle was going to give the next morning at the seminar; the contact was then there whatever the distance was. (see addendum of the writings: “Some days of the Past Decade” from Boris VERZHUTSKY, Auroville News, March-April 2001, Auroville, in page 21)
Aspects of the Yoga, an effective consciousness developed itself in contrast of the fragility of the occidental world and rooted itself progressively even in the substance of this physical body and despite of strong oppositions of certain levels (‘personal’, can we say) of the being mastered until then by the mental. I am not going to display the experiences and the hardships that we can live by following this Yoga, you are as well informed as myself, maybe even better. Meanwhile so many contrasts interiority-exteriority, objectivity-subjectivity became more and more delicate to apprehend. The necessity and the inner call

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