From my childhood, I have always known that there was something which belonged to me intimately and that I could not find around me in my family circle. But of course I could neither name it nor position it whatsoever. At that point, the Âshram was to me completely unknown in this family circle of unbelief where I had to grow. In fact, 35 years of non-life, of survival most often, of Ignorance assuredly, of various disappointments, of multi-directional mistakes, of wrong ways, were necessary to lead to that one day where it said: STOP ! This time, it is enough, let’s stop with all of that, it leads to nothing except a disguised suicide, a death by anticipation. After all kinds of searches in all directions which helped me fastidiously in this latent hidden desire to find an issue, but yet as long as it leads somewhere — you know this little flame, there, in somewhere, so veiled but then so present in its invisibility. I had one day the opportunity and the privilege to be received (in France) by a lady already of a certain age, this same lady who became “my Mother”, Mother who will guide me at the time and still accompanies me with great and unfailing patience on those steps of earth and heaven. That day changed completely my existence and especially my decisions and choices. That person had and still has that so unusual gift offered to certain beings, that gift of ‘Seeing’ and ‘Hearing’. That day of September 90, this Mother felt this strong presence of a sannyasin life floating around, connected to the present (we shall only understand later the meaning and the effects of such a revelation not being able at the time to understand and apprehend itself in all its dimension). That day, also, if I am not mistaken, I heard the names of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother for the first time in my life, names completely unknown in my life until then. While I was in an almost second state and was touched by such an inner revelation and presence, she said to me in those close terms: –“Oh, it must be important, here is Sri Aurobindo in person, ah, how I regret you cannot see this colour nor feel that vibration; but let’s see what we can do for you!” From then on, the bascule was entire, an axis was drawn, I just had to follow it or to go away from it according to the moods of my ‘libre arbitre’ and the possibilities of the moment. When I left Her, She gave me with authority 2 or 3 volumes of the ‘Agenda of the Mother’ and a book of Sri Aurobindo that I shall particularly remember for ever: ‘Renaissance et Karma’ because it appears to me at the time so difficult to digest and several years will be necessary to be able to reach the Writing of Sri Aurobindo and especially the one of that book. Nevertheless, my being was ready to receive those lines, thirsting after 38 years of emptiness and wiping-out of nonunderstanding, I went back to my solitude of the path absolutely confident and prodigiously nourished from |
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