masked the very Whys of the departure
of the Mother. (It is natural to precise that the named persons here
previously do not matter compared to what they brought out and revealed
then from their position of integrity in the spirit of this Yoga.) This
space of unknown time which preceded This departure of the Mother and
the same reasons of her departure appeared to us, from what was formulated
about it, as the fundamental point of the Negation even revealed and
incarnated, the literal ‘transcription’ of an insufficiently
wide opening that could in itself apprehend this Yoga in its integral
Entirety with all the resulting and underlying suffering which can result
from it. It could well be that it is there where originates even all
dimension of exile, by bounce or derivative, from this scission, this
cleavage, implanted right in the root of the nature of the being. Here
the Negation inscribed itself in the Fact, the Fact was coated with
silence, and the silence imposes to us the possibility to ‘go
through’, to dig imperatively deeper into the shadows of the negativity
of our being. Meanwhile even very recently, a certain author —
in a book of the life of the Mother* (4. See Notes page 32) —
tries in his own way, by remarks still never pronounced until then —
we have to admit — and so hard and almost impossible to check
— there, it is indubitable (!) — to translate this well
unknown space of Life for ‘everybody’ of the last six months
that the Mother spent on this earth by putting forward the moral and
assuredly virtuous and well thoughtful qualities of the disciples then
lavishing care on the Mother; would we have the right to doubt about
it as it is advanced here today ? Was it necessary to write such a huge
book to reduce This so consequent and fundamental passage in what it
proposes to us to meditate right on the principle of Yoga and Truth,
to promulgate it and to then reduce it to shagreen ?
It is hard to accept to die… even for living! We carry already
so much in ourselves the ‘NO to the effective
Realisation’ of our own being, in our own being, as a
nude negation to Become who we are really; there is very certainly so
many advantages to keep our deaths (our inner deaths of course) nice
and warm, we never know !… it can always help one day or the other,
can’t it be? It is only to see to discover thirty years after
for seeing and contemplating how this Fact has worked and works right
in the body of this Yoga in the disciples, what means does for instance
this author take for finally getting tangled in psychological suppositions
which only fool himself (and unfortunately (?) the reader insufficiently
informed by his own discoveries) and meanwhile from then on to set him
aside from the ESSENTIAL of what this Fact can reveal to himself, to
realize that this ‘malaise’ did not find its solution, because
it is not found in the falsity of pseudo-rational explanations or wild
imaginings of a virtuous mental but it is well found in the suffering