Gouttes de Lumière
Traduction de SAVITRI
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at the heart of his own problematic, to dig again in oneself and to discover what was rejecting this sufficiently powerful sunburn and which from that on favoured this dark desire of Non-Realisation by nourishing and giving strength to the Shade by and for his own satisfactions, whatever they are. Anyway it was for us, the time of our visa being expired, our translation finished in its broad lines, our own movement of writing starting to fade and the first impulsion becoming progressively absorbed but making its way, the necessity to take back in somewhere the road of the exile and of the occidental recurrence, holding at the same time a little more life lesson and once again… of disappointment, in a part of our being: disappointment of noticing and realising how it was difficult for us to maintain this psychic dimension at the first level of the existence and to live some more enlightened daily times. Beginning of April 2002, we then returned back to France.

Our personal story does not have of course any importance…
Our personal story does not have of course any importance, we can smile, laugh about it indeed even make fun about it or to join ourselves to it, it is only presented there because it can show what is hidden to us, well deeply in the heart of the unspoken and of the “un-formulated”, otherwise we would prefer to be forgotten for ever, somewhere.
From April to November 2002, it was then the return in France in a material, geographical and transitory situation that made us meet again our well-known hell and our incapacity to maintain this psychic dimension at the first level. Some changes took place during our stay in India, which, if they can appear insignificant in their manifestation, seem at least to have revealed characteristically the occidental position in its need to possess and to have. This passage to the new currency (franc to euro) seems to have crystallised the fears already well established of the ego and to harden the ambient atmosphere, of course to the detriment of an opening on more inner levels. We mostly used this time of transit to go through these writings arisen at the Samâdhi and to look for a potential editor who would well take the risk to publish such specific work. The time of three years of being free from duty that we chose arrived at its term (in September 2003), we still had some time to go back again in India with a new visa (a tourist visa, of course !), which led us again in November 2002 to get back some breathing in Pondicherry, this transitory sanctuary place of the Samâdhi where our being could find there partly what was necessary for him to survive.
It appeared obvious to us that we were still a little desperately in search of this so essential fraternity which could still be the necessary support in our pursuit

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