Gouttes de Lumière
Traduction de SAVITRI
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rushes me even more from the worry of bringing shape and consistence to this Consciousness of Life.
We shall find us again because we recognize each other!

We are going, we are going, my friend,
A little joy prints our steps,
We are going, we are going, my friend,
In the garden-suns of our soul-sisters.

To give ourselves, my friend, to give ourselves…
That it can live, my friend, that it can live… its Truth.

Without reserve, my friend, without reserve,
That it can appreciate itself, my friend, that it can appreciate itself… and recognize itself.

(1) French word expression ‘à cor et à cris’ literally ‘horn and screams’ is translated in English as: to clamor for something.
Here ‘corps’ (body), same pronunciation than ‘cor’ (horn).

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