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Monday the 29th of October, Samâdhi AM Lettre à une Auroville

– Where do you come from, friend, with this sombre air ? From which trouble are the leaves of your soul so agitated ?
– Would I be able to say it to you as long as my shame will be so strong of not being able to endure the human mediocrity and indigence ? I come from the ‘Cité de l’Aurore’, so well mentioned for this place of Ideal where the human beings are brothers and venerate in their heart the Mother of all the Worlds, my heart led me to find the way even hidden in the eyes of the common mortals. In fact, it is an asphalted road which leads to it today and I was greatly surprised from it. Meanwhile, the sign was promising and mouth-watering, it was the one of a beautiful calligraphy roundly drawn which was giving a grandiose invitation to a world of marvels to discover at last for a thirsting soul of absolute finally “fraternisable”. The words and the sentences pronounced in this bubble of the worlds were soft to the ear so happy to find for itself a so well expected nourishment; my body, my heart, my soul thanked the Lord to have made me found the way so easily openly to my lavish heaviness and ignorance that characterize and manifest myself. The so creative beautiful sentences of the Mother and of the All-Consciousness were delices and honey to my mental suddenly pacified and satiated.
Exhausted, exhausted, it was for me there the most cruel test that my soul had to meet; the words, the sentences only were blown sails of a dead or moribund breathing; the souls glorified themselves of an inheritance of a beauty that they cannot endure in their hearts and in their sickened souls. There, where Love and Harmony pretended to be, I only discovered perversity and discord and endless quarrel of beings in thirst of resisting to the life divine which still has to look for themselves despite all the tempts of obstruction that they have to invent and intercalate for escaping to their destiny to be fished.
Exhausted, in fact I only discovered places of megalomania, where columns are no more the bearers of the Order of the rigour and of the “arched” line of God, I have there discovered the denatured falsification of “megalo” expressions of pretentious and stupid souls of their own vain Ignorance; how can this place of Ideal be such “commonity” so less greedy of a True and a Beautiful to incarnate in the Noble Matter of the Life. How those beings can fool themselves on the games that their own natures make them play and to believe they are the navel* (*God’s gift to mankind) of the World Consciousness ? I am staggered of this ‘petit-bourgeoisisme’ of the world suburb which satisfies itself of its pitiful bowl of milk without asking for the one of the stars !

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