made me plunge necessarily in the
writings of Sri Aurobindo, certainly for allowing the being to find
more plenitude and wideness of effective knowledge.
It was then the moment where I started to accept suddenly the Writing
of Sri Aurobindo; I ordered in one go all that was then translated in
french of his works and I swallowed it during one year of happiness.
In these waters of youth with privileged and rare moments, I was able
to face this so little divine materialism of our occident, occident
so limited and closed in its powerful barricades of its well armoured
and scoured mental. Yet I still lived this space of beauty in solitude,
more and more separated even from the world around me and especially
very far from the original vibration that made it emerged and born.
After a first book of poetry in 97 I was led to look for a source in
India and again in Auroville for some times that could wipe away this
suffering of a being still so dispersed and so little unified and especially
so isolated. To find Auroville back with more knowledge and trust, certain
ambiguities already present and underlying during our first visit became
more clear and pronounced in its shade. Although being rather withdrawn
and solitary and not being in search of exterior contacts with inhabitants
of this place — and maybe exactly because of that — we meanwhile
discovered and met sufficiently flagrant and pronounced incoherencies
eventhough the speech given here appeared paradoxically well fitting
and right in its formulation; we had to discover this famous ‘the
Mother has said’ which took a more and more burdensome and incoherent
shape of what surrounded us and did not really correspond of what we
saw truly in it. (Saturday November the 3rd, Samâdhi
PM, lettre à une Auroville, pages 22 to 24)
Yet, at every visit that we made in Auroville, it was clear, imperative
and without any ambiguity that we would not have to settle there, in
any case not for the moment.
Coming back in France with this
suffocation that we can experience from mental arrogance in its full
expression of Ignorance and ourselves in it well bounced and irresolute,
we have to recognize it. Meanwhile the germ of this yoga had started
to grow and the position of our Desire encountered more and more difficulties
to live and to express itself. Again in July-August 99 return to Auroville
where this time it was answered inwardly to us to think about joining
it and participating in it — a little surprised yet of this so
sudden and unexpected move; we lived as by chance (if only it could
exist that one!) the most difficult year of our teacher carrier to try
to survive in a so flagrant and unbearable atmosphere of falsehood and
bad faith that made us take the pretty rapid decision without little
hesitation to ask to the Entry-Group, the actual organism to access
to Auroville, the obtaining of an entry-visa to start