Gouttes de Lumière
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common. How can we laugh about an expressed pain of a sincere heart ?… how can that be in a place which pretends to be the heiress of a Consciousness in move ? Why do you laugh here in this place about beings who are full of the Grace and of the desire of being and tempt to incarnate it in themselves ? Is the world not already doing that ? How can we be satisfied from so little ?
I cannot yet have any compassion for you, I am still from your nature, one more brother of misery, yet on an Earth of Light.

We are beings of creation and we participate to the Creation.
How can we be so weakly attentive and grateful to the difference with the other ?
What regard do we give then on ourselves ?
The soul asks for her legitimate due, she is the soul, no more, no less.

(1) literally The ‘ALL-LIVING’, here SRI AUROBINDO
(2) COSMOPOLITAN (France): monthly review having published on article on Auroville in the beginning of the year 2001 and having pointed the finger on the responsibility and the intuition (?) of the Entry-Group which manages the access to Auroville.

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